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Self care resources for lockdown

Writer's picture: Amethyst TrainingAmethyst Training

Morning routine - how are you coping being at home - are you sticking to a routine or are you in pj's and Netflix binge mode? It's fine to do either or both! Mostly, I have a routine for my day - this has developed over the last 12 years working at home and adding in self care rituals that I need to practice to stay well. Also, I know what works for me. I giver myself plenty of time in the mornings but I can be most productive if I get up, shower, get dressed, put on make up, have breakfast, do some meditation and yoga and then sit down at my desk. I realise I do have the luxury of no school runs or (just now) home schooling!

If you need some ideas for creating some time for yourself in the morning or a calmer way to start your day In the Moment magazine has some great info. Keep scrolling and ignore the ads and you can download a cute 'mindful mornings' wall planner.

Creativity - for many years I've followed artist Jamie Ridler who offers 'a lively online hub for bringing creativity to life'. I've joined in many of the classes and used some of the great freebies on offer to stimulate your creativity.

You may also like to check out Flora Bowley's Brave Intuitive Botanicals - not free but half price. It's today at 1pm PST (9 pm here) but if you register you can watch the replay. Joining Flora's online class in 2012 got me painting again after a 25 year hiatus!

Meditation and Mindfulness - last time I said I would suggest other meditation apps. My favourite app for helping with sleep (or lack of it) is Calm. I love their sleep stories. You don't need to sign up, there's lots to access without paying a bean. And I know many of us have no income until the HMRC contact us about the self employment grant scheme.

Yoga - Julia from Blissflow is offering a free 3 day Sun Salutation series. Ideal for starting your day.

Social Media - please join us for our regular posts on the Amethyst Facebook page. Over on Instagram our account is amethystholistictraining If you love crystals, you might want to join Love and Light School's challenge to creating #onemillioncrystalgrids to heal the planet (see @loveandlightschool on IG or follow the hashtag) do join in! For how to create a planetary healing crystal grid see Ethan Lazzerini's blog post. In his 'free resources' you can download printable grid templates to get you started. (note - I'm currently writing a Crystal Healing Diploma course Part 2 which will feature creation/use of grids for healing - let me know if you are interested in taking this course when we reopen.)

Self care - In my last newsletter,I told you how I was treating myself to an online tutorial in Dien Chan Zone ® - a deeply relaxing, facial reflexology system - with Julie Carr from F:Blend Holistic. What a great experience! The main difference I've found with this treatment, is that Julie gave me my own 'face map' to allow for self care, post treatment, at home. I've been following the routine for the last 21 days-ish and can report great results. My main issues aside from having CFS/ME are joint pain and major difficulties in sleeping. As these are both as long standing as my condition, they won't be cured in 21 days but the self treatment is helping me get a better night's sleep and my knees are holding up 😊 contact Julie via her website at the link above if you are interested in an online session via Zoom.

PS - all the links above are not affiliated in any way. They are resources that have helped me in one way or another over the years and even very recently.

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