Today is the start of autumn and it certainly feels like autumn is on its way, the days are already considerably shorter and temperatures cooler. There are brambles and apples to pick and the birds are feasting on the rowan berries.
On the 22nd September we celebrate the Autumnal Equinox; the day when light and dark are equal - a day of balance. Know as Mabon in the pagan calendar, this day celebrates the second harvest - that of pumpkins, squashes and apples.
The 29th September is Michaelmas, festival of Archangel Michael. He is the great protecting archangel and dragon slayer. Celebrate the Equinox and Michaelmas by slaying some of your own dragons. What dragons do you need to slay this September? What do you need to do to put your life back into balance?
Try this journal prompt:
Write down the things that have got out of balance in your life and then write down how you can retrieve a sense of balance. Trust your own inner guidance and know it to be true for you.
Other ways to celebrate the Equinox/Mabon:
Pick brambles and make bramble pie or crumble
Make toffee apples
Wrap a cosy blanket around your shoulders, linger in the soft evening twilight, and watch the full Harvest moon rise on 10th September.
Affirmations for September:
My life is in perfect balance
I live in harmony and joy
I acknowledge my perfectly balanced self.
Try one of our home study courses such as Mindfulness or Stress Management to bring back that balance.
Or check out your tutor's venue page for courses coming up.
